Meta means over and beyond. Thus Metaphysical refers to over and beyond the physical. To be metaphysical is to be aligned with nature and the natural ways of being. Metaphysical means inclusivity and acceptance.
An intentional acknowledgement of a rite of passage; a moment in time to witness, honour, and deeply feel and be with the change occurring. Ceremony is supporting the transformation that is happening.
Sacred and customary ways, practices and/or words performed to celebrate and honour the rite of passage and ceremony.
[sel-uh-bruh nt]
A professional officiant educated in the art and craft of ceremony and ritual; someone who is trained to compose, design and perform meaningful ceremonies for all beliefs.
A sacred and deep connection and bonding between two consenting adults; an energetic acknowledgement and shift between them that honours and recognizes each other as individuals and as one.
“Rituals are cairns marking the path behind us and ahead of us. Without them, we lose our way.”